We often receive emails from people who are interested in one of our dogs or kittens for adoption. As we have a strict adoption protocol we will only react if you give us the following information:

  1. Your name, age, postal address, phone number.

  2. Where and how you live, house, apartment etc.

  3. If you have a dog safe garden.

  4. If you go out to work, how many hours are you away.

  5. Are you alone or a family, with or without children.

  6. Have you had dogs before, if so what breeds.

  7. If you have any other animals at your home.

When we have all this info we can do a telephone intake followed by a home visit.

Please fill out our form so we can contact you as soon as possible.


If you prefer to send us a private mail, please contact us at one of the following addresses:
